Starting conversations about women in STEM.

The Pink Rover campaign aims to start conversations about women in STEM.

Our campaign mission:

  • Empowering through Education

  • Bringing Visibility and Fostering Engagement

  • Addressing Barriers and Biases in STEM

Why Pink?

Pink is historically associated with women and femininity. From our experience, pink is mostly absent from STEM, which mirrors the harmful stereotype that women and femininity don’t belong in STEM spaces.

By making our rover pink, we are combating this by clearly juxtaposing the lack of pink elsewhere in STEM. The striking aesthetic is intended to bring visibility and spark deeper conversations about women in STEM.

There are systemic and societal issues that create biases and barriers for women and we want to address them. We aim to change perceptions of who can and should be an engineer so that we can access a greater pool of creative thinking to find the best solutions to society’s problems.